That would be the wooden power pole that fell in our front yard this morning. I turned around and looked out the window just as it started to fall. It sparked and made a lot of noise and crashed to the ground, just feet away from Katie's car. Blaine and Katie had been woken up by the cables hitting the roof across the bedrooms. I told them what happened and I called 911. They had the fire department out there and they roped off the street and wouldn't let us come outside, which was fine considering that we had downed power cables right in front of the front door.

Since Katie couldn't move her car and Blaine's car was at her place, I took the both over there to get it. Good thing I park out back! Since all of our power was out, I spent the morning at B's and they got everything back up and working around 2 this afternoon. There doesn't seem to be any permanent damage; the lawn might end up a little dead from the oil in the transformer. Katie's car had been hit by the cables when they snapped and it damaged the roof rack but Avista is paying for it. It could have been a lot worse.