I decided that I really liked the Uncle Argyle scarf pattern in Son of Stitch'n Bitch. When I went on my buying spree last week, I bought the silky wool in pink and white for that pattern. I don't know if I was in a yarn trance or what, but that yarn is waaaaay too light for the scarf. The argyle pattern wasn't showing up on such small stitches and I really have no desire to knit a full length scarf on size 5 needles; I'm just not that dedicated. I looked at the pattern again and it called for Cascade 220 (yay cheap but good yarn!). I realized that I actually liked one of the color combos that the pattern calls for (very unusual). I ordered my yarn (btw, ebay seller yarnbow FTW; I ordered my yarn Saturday evening and it was here on Monday!!) and got it all caked up while I was on my yarn cabinet re-organizing kick.
I usually let things like this sit around for a while but I was really curious about the double knitting that the pattern does. I've never tried it before and I rarely work with charts so it was going to be a challenge. I haven't had an enjoyable challenge in knitting in a while. I have to say that I really like it! It's interesting (you have to pay attention to what you're doing) but easy enough to not make me want to launch it across the room like lace does.
I've got my first chart repeat done and it's going faster than I expected. I'm not so sure how gung-ho I'll still be halfway through this thing, but I have at least 5 months before I start wearing scarves to get it done. ;)