Saturday, November 17, 2007

Friday Night Fiascos

I've done this before. I've learned my lesson...again and again and again. I always forget.

Last night, weary and worn out from a long, hard week, I decided that I was going to get my mind off of life by starting on the hat for Travis' X-mas set. The scarf is coming along really well and should be done soon so I thought a change in pace was in order; just for insurance against scarf burn out, you see. I am using the short-row hat pattern from IK because it has an entrelac look to it, even though it is all done with short rows. It's a very interesting pattern and I think that it will be a little bit of a challenge. It is knit side to side, not bottom to top. As I was reading the pattern, I realized that it needed a provisional cast on. I had to use a provisional cast on once, a long long time ago.

I settled onto the couch with my yarn and my B and started the video on I tried and tried and tried to get this freaking cast on on my needles and I just couldn't do it. I re-played the video about five times and there was something that I was missing and I couldn't figure out what the hell it was. Of course, my mental state was not at all helpful and eventually I threw the needles and yarn down, shut off my computer and gave up. I was so frustrated that I didn't even want to work on the scarf. I wanted nothing to do with sticks and string.

After I had calmed down a bit and convinced myself that I had taken on more than I could handle at that moment, I did work on the scarf. I went to bed and I slept in. Well, I slept until 5:45am and then Cookie decided that it was play time for two hours. Once I finally got back to sleep, I slept in. I got up and tried the cast on again. Guess what? I got it. What a difference sleep makes...

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